I believe that one of the challenges that we face as Christians is figuring out on what issues we should speak up and speak out about, and what issues we just need to more or less "let be." Personally, the older I get, the more I am convinced that Christianity is NOT primarily about restoring this world and the creation to its original state, but rather about seeing people reconciled to the Father through Jesus Christ. I realize that those two things are not mutually exclusive; rather, they are deeply intertwined. However (and I'll admit, I see this differently than do many Christians), we as Christians are not going to right the world's wrongs. This world has been infected and affected by sin since the Fall as recorded in Genesis 3, and it won't be restored until Christ returns. In fact, I see Scripture telling us that not only will the world not be restored until that time, but that it will get worse and worse UNTIL that time. And as long as we are in this world (or until Jesus returns--whichever comes first), our efforts at trying to establish the Kingdom of God in this world through human governments and through laws and decrees will be efforts in futility. We must seek to have people's HEARTS changed through the IMPUTED (not just imparted) holiness of Jesus Christ first and foremost. And then, when enough people experience that gift of Grace from God through surrendering their lives to Him and living as He leads, perhaps we will be able to make efforts at bringing small parts of society more in line with God's ways. But as long as we live in this world infected and affected by sin, our efforts will be akin to what Paul spoke of (albeit in a different context, but nonetheless in a way I believe to be applicable here) of seeing in a mirror dimly, knowing that one day (which I believe won't be until after Christ returns) we shall see fully--even as we are fully known.
Until then, worldly governments and rulers will come and go--none of whom or which will be anywhere near perfect--and each one of us who has surrendered to Christ must follow as led by the Holy Spirit, knowing that we will ultimately stand or fall not to a denomination, but to Christ.
May the Peace of Jesus Christ be yours.
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