Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Living In The Real World

I really DO understand the desire of people who want to bring about a society of love and peace. They want things such as Healthcare for everyone, income equality, peace at home and abroad, and a pristine environment.

I have a confession to make:

I want those things too.

So why is there such a divide on the issues?  It's because the desire we have is not achievable in this imperfect world.  And that's where the difference lies.  Many on the political left seem to think that we can legislate and dictate things into perfection (well, perhaps not into perfection, but something close to it).

But the problem is that this world isn't perfect, and people aren't perfect.  Therefore, there will always be things that throw the figurative wrench into the works. It's part of the world's condition.  More important, it's part of the human condition.

We human beings aren't perfect.  The fact is, every one of us is born selfish--wanting what we want. If there's a disagreement between what two people want, at least one of the people is going to be disappointed in the outcome.  The disappointment is then dealt with in each individual's life in different ways.  Some people are gracious and simply accept disappointment. Others go off and run tyrannical regimes that will forcefully put down anyone who gets in the way.  And there are many, many ways of dealing with disappointment in between those two extremes.

Ideally (and I stress the word ideally, because I know that I am prone to imperfection and may not act in an ideal way), if I am taken advantage of and no one else is in any way harmed by my being taken advantage of, then I can simply exhibit grace and let that situation occur. But then my question is this: What's my responsibility when I see another person being taken advantage of?  Am I to sit passively by and watch another person be harmed if I might possibly have the chance to prevent that person from being harmed?

My answer is that I should do what is within my capacity to prevent the person from being harmed.  And therefore, while I do truly desire that everyone get along, I realize that is only wishful thinking, and that I have to live in the real world. 

I have no problem with the desires of the people who want this world to be as much of a utopia as it can be.  Again, I have the same desires.  But that's impractical.  This world is imperfect, the people in this world are imperfect, and no human being or worldy government is going to change that.

P.S. There is One to whom we can submit ourselves and this world's issues, but unless and until everyone does that, this world will continue to be imperfect...


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